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Spreading News Over the Airwaves

Summary: You may hear Tim Mahoney speaking on a variety of media outlets in the next few weeks. Keep an ear open.

But I, with shouts of grateful praise,

    will sacrifice to you.

What I have vowed I will make good.

    I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the Lord.’” – Jonah 2:9 (NIV)

Getting the Word Out

Have you got your tickets yet? Our new film Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai II releases in theaters in just over 2 weeks! That means our promotional efforts are in full swing. We have a public relations team working hard to book a variety of media outlets for Tim Mahoney to interview with and we hope you get to hear him on your favorite listening network. 

Today Tim is on the west coast interviewing Eric Metaxes and Michael Medved at an event called Socrates in the City. Both are very influential hosts, and as some of you may recall, both of them have been a part of our past films. Eric Metaxes was a panelist for Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus and in the film Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle II. Michael Medved was a panelist after Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy and in the film Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. They have become fans and friends of Patterns of Evidence, along with followers of their shows. This is how we spread the word and allow many to see the films.

Eric Metaxas with Tim Mahoney. (© 2019 Patterns of Evidence, LLC.)
Tim Mahoney on a panel discussion that included Todd Starnes, A.R. Bernard, Oz Guinness, and Michael Medved. (© 2019 Patterns of Evidence, LLC.)

Tim has already been on Faith Radio Networks, Faith on Films, In Awe with Bruce Davis and a handful of others. His schedule gets extremely filled as we get closer to theater nights on Monday May 15th and Wednesday May 17th! Our goal is to help many hear about this culminating film of Tim Mahoney’s investigation that started over 20 years ago.

Some very large shows that Tim will be a part of include ‘CrossExamined’ with Frank Turek. This will be for radio and his podcast. ‘Life Today Live’ with Randy Robinson on May 10th at 12 noon CT. ‘American Family Association’ (AFA) and the ‘Billy Hallowell show’.

Closer to the theater show dates Tim will be on ‘Point of View’ with Kirby Anderson – on the USA Radio Network. If you listen to Moody Radio you will hear Tim Mahoney on the early morning drive hour at 6:45am on Monday May 15th. We really work hard in this way to get the word out about the release of our film Journey to Mount Sinai II.

How You Can Help – Be A Part of the Promotion

We want all of our Thinkers to be a part of spreading the word as well. If you have your tickets to one of the showings May 15th or May 17th we hope you invited your friends or family or Bible study group to go along with you. If you haven’t, it’s not too late! We ask you to either email them or post on your social media about the film and invite them. This kind of grass roots effort makes a huge difference in how many people are aware of and ultimately go to see this faith-affirming film.

We have made helping promote the film easy, in hopes that you will join us in making this a big success at the box office. You can download assets such as the movie poster, social media memes, a flier, or the trailer to use. Simply click this link. After you click the link and are on the webpage just scroll down a little until you see Part 2 Resources.

These promotional assets are there for you to download to your computer or device and use! 

Patterns of evidence website screenshot (© 2023 Patterns of Evidence, LLC.)

Some have printed the flier and handed them out at their Bible Study group or place of worship. They are created to insert easily in a bulletin or program. Of course the memes are created to use on your social media platform like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The downloadable trailer is also a great tool to post on your social media. These all can be placed inside of an email to send to others as well. 

Would you help us promote Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai II today? Really, like today! If you love our films, then this is a great way to support us and we could use your help.The sooner we let others know the sooner they can plan to go and we can fill up theaters. Do you remember a few weeks ago we mentioned that early ticket purchases help theaters know this film will be a hit, which causes more theaters to show the film? Today we have almost 700 theaters showing it but there are more that could potentially be added. Get your ticket today! 


We appreciate all your kind words, all your offers to help, and all your donations to make our films possible! Let us know if we can get you anything else to make your efforts in getting the word out a success. Just email us at info@patternsofevidence.com

Many hands make lighter work and many ‘shout outs’ make for more awareness and more potential ticket sales. Beyond that, and most importantly, more people will be able to experience our Bible-affirming documentaries that can make an impact in their life. Just like this fan of ours who wrote in and is getting the word out! 

I have seen all of Tim’s Patterns of Evidence videos and have shared them with folks in our church. Excellent work and they have really strengthened our faith. Thank you! – Jim B.

Thank you to everyone. Keep on sharing and keep on Thinking!

TOP PHOTO: Tim Mahoney doing an interview. (© 2023 Patterns of Evidence, LLC.)
