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Journey to Mount Sinai II – Will it Get Finished?

SUMMARY: Nobody likes to leave things undone, especially the second part of a 2-part film release. See what we can accomplish together to bring Journey to Mount Sinai II to theaters. 

“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation…” – Exodus 19:5-6a (NIV)

Journey to Mount Sinai II – Reaching the Finish line

Here is what Dr. Jason DeRouchie said about the significance of this Mount Sinai investigation.

“If Sinai didn’t happen, our faith is in vain. It is grounded in a biblical location. And so our quest is very legitimately to find out where it was located. If we act as though the story is what counts and the history behind it doesn’t matter, we’re on very dangerous turf.”

Have you ever wanted to finish something?

Of course, we all have things we want to finish in our work, our homes, and our hobbies. For me, there are some things that get started, and for a variety of reasons, they get put off. Some of these unfinished or half-started projects end up in the garage. Some of my relatives have fantastic ideas that never get past the drawing plans.

We all know why. It takes time, effort, and of course, money to get some of these projects done.

When we moved into our current home almost 30 years ago, the inspector said we would need to replace the deck in the next year or two. However, we made that deck last for another 15 years, and then I tore it off, waiting for the time, effort, and money to replace it. It wasn’t until another 15 years later that we finally finished it this past fall.

Friends Make the Difference

But the real reason we finally finished the deck had little to do with me. My wife, Jill, desperately wanted a deck to sit on and feel the sunshine after six months of cold Minnesota weather. But it would have cost more than we could afford to hire someone, and I didn’t know how to replace the deck myself. That is when Jane, my wife’s friend, learned that we were “deckless,” and she told her husband, Mike. I had only known Mike casually, but he felt he should offer to help and said, “Hey Tim, I’m going to help you build that deck.”  And so he did.

Phase 1 of the Mahoney Family Deck.Patterns of Evidence 2022)

It took over a year because I traveled and worked evenings and weekends on the Patterns of Evidence films. But we eventually got it finished because Mike made the difference. Without his patience, presence, and servant leadership, we would still live “deckless.”

Friends Help Us Reach the Finish Line

Well, what does that have to do with Journey to Mount Sinai? I learned that it often takes friends to help us complete a project. It was 2003 when I first traveled with a small group of Exodus explorers to Saudi Arabia. We went there to investigate Jabal al Lawz, a proposed location of Mount Sinai. At that time, no foreigners were allowed to be there, which is why it was so incredible that we were given official permission into the area. I was interested in seeing for myself and documenting on film what some believed was the actual location of Mount Sinai, where Moses and the Israelites met with God.

The 2003 Saudi Arabia trip – determining what we should do next when asked to leave the area of Jabal al Lawz. (© Patterns of Evidence 2022)

But, after we arrived, the local authorities were not pleased with our presence, and in a confrontation with our guides the next day, we were chased out of the area. Eventually, all of my footage was confiscated. It has taken the last 20 years of filming, research, writing, and editing to come to the place where now Thinking Man Films has produced six Patterns of Evidence films. The one I initially set out to investigate is almost to the finish line. I am so thankful that we persevered in this investigation that began in 2003 concerning the actual location of Mount Sinai. 

But we still need help to get the biblical animations, music, and special effects completed for the film. We can’t move forward without help!

Many of you have already given, and we are thankful for your support. But there might be others who would like to contribute. Please continue reading below for the different opportunities available for giving, including the option of donating appreciated securities such as stock to the Patterns of Evidence Foundation. 

In October 2022, we released Journey to Mount Sinai, and now we are in the middle of completing Journey to Mount Sinai II.  And just like the family deck experience, we will need help from our friends in the Patterns of Evidence family to help us get the next Bible-affirming film out to the world. 

Good News – We Have A Matching Fund

We have been given a matching fund of $350,000 by a family that has supported the mission of Patterns of Evidence. To date we have matched this fund with $190,000 from your donations, which is a wonderful accomplishment. But we are still short by $160,000 to complete Journey to Mount Sinai II before its release in May 2023. Your gift will have double the impact because of this matching grant.

Here are some ways this might happen:

If we were to get 25 people to each contribute $6,400 we would reach our goal

If we were to get 64 people to each contribute $2,500 we would reach our goal

If we were to get 160 people to each contribute $1,000 we would reach our goal

If we were to get 320 people to each contribute $500 we would reach our goal

If we were to get 1000 people to each contribute $160 we would reach our goal

And so forth

Of course, some combination of those scenarios is most likely, and a gift of any amount is appreciated. When you give to the Patterns of Evidence Foundation it is a 501c3 tax deductible donation. For the first 25 people who give $1,000 or more, you will receive a digital version of the film Journey to Mount Sinai II when it comes out and a signed & personalized laminated map of the locations we have been investigating for the past 20 years.

 The 25 x 18.5 inch map poster that the first 25 who donate $1,000 or more will receive. Tim Mahoney will personalize and sign each.

There are now four ways to Give:

  1. Donate electronically by clicking here.
  2. Send a check made out to Patterns of Evidence Foundation and mail it to:
    Patterns of Evidence Foundation
    9953 Valley View Rd
    Eden Prairie, MN 55344
  3. Grant to us from your National Christian Foundation (NCF) Giving Fund    Fed EIN # 85-1693750
  4. Donating Appreciated Securities

Donating appreciated securities such as stock is a great way to give to the Patterns of Evidence Foundation. Directly donating stocks (long-term holdings that have been appreciated for more than one year) allows a person to give up to 20% more than cash. The reason is simple: you avoid capital gains tax. This would also allow you to realize the total market value of the asset you donated from your income taxes. Studies have shown that most donors have appreciated assets such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. However, most of the time, they do not contribute these types of assets to a charitable organization. So, consider donating some of your appreciated holdings the next time you give. As always, please speak with your CPA and financial institution to better understand your position and which securities would be best to give. To talk directly with Patterns of Evidence Foundation board member Jeff Green call 713-304-6199 or email j.green@rightwayinvest.com 

Hear more about this film development by Timothy Mahoney and some of the team at Patterns of Evidence’s latest Podcast now (available under ‘Patterns of Evidence’ in your favorite podcast platform). Thank you in advance for your support in preserving the historical credibility of the Bible and passing it on to the next generation.

Tim Mahoney

Director- Patterns of Evidence Foundation

TOP PHOTO: Investigative filmmaker Tim Mahoney with the Map Poster that will be personally signed for the first 25 donors. (© 2022 Patterns of Evidence, LLC.)
