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Special Announcement: Journey to Mount Sinai TOO BIG!

Searching for the route to Mount Sinai

Summary: A new update for the next films in the Patterns of Evidence series – Journey to Mount Sinai 1 & 2. Now you can help us complete these films in the upcoming year.

Then Moses made Israel set out from the Red Sea, and they went into the wilderness of Shur. They went three days in the wilderness and found no water. – Exodus 15:22 (ESV)

Our Next Film, “Journey to Mt Sinai,” is Too Big!

Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mt Sinai, as many might know, is the next film in our Patterns of Evidence film series. The search for Mount Sinai is where my investigation into the Bible began twenty years ago, and for me, it is thrilling to get back to this part of the biblical account after so many years. But this has now presented a challenge that we didn’t anticipate. It’s just too Big!

Filming Patterns of Evidence at the Sinai Peninsula
Director Tim Mahoney and Cameraman Jack Tankard Sinai Peninsula. (© 2002 Patterns of Evidence)

During the 20-year investigation, we collected a large storehouse of footage with over a hundred interviews. We gathered beautiful drone footage and photography from Exodus explorers at some difficult-to-reach and restricted mountain candidates. And then, during interviews, proponents of different Mt Sinai proposals provided compelling evidence to support their claims at each of the six mountain locations we are considering.

So using our Patterns of Evidence approach, which gives primary candidates more than superficial treatments, it quickly became apparent that a single film could not contain all the material relevant to the investigation. This summer, we realized that this wasn’t just one film – it was two films! This abundance of views and information was the same dynamic we faced with The Red Sea Miracle. So we have embraced the idea of two films wholeheartedly.

This following year, 2022, our goal is to finish Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai parts 1 & 2. Now, you will be able to see and weigh the main arguments to judge the evidence for yourself; where is the location for the real Mt Sinai?

Scientist Lennart Moller standing at the traditional Mount Sinai
Dr. Lennart Möller at the traditional Mount Sinai. (© 2002 Patterns of Evidence)

Journey to Mount Sinai Progress Report

To date, we have a script for Journey to Mount Sinai Part 1 that we are putting the finishing touches on and hope to have a rough edit of the basic content ready to review soon. Much of the script for Journey to Mount Part 2 is already laid out and should be finished in the first months of 2022. Once the scripts are settled, we can get to the heart of editing the material while adding music, graphics, animations and re-creations.

Your Chance to Help Make a Difference

Patterns of Evidence films make a difference. Testimonies have shown that each of our films has impacted and inspired people about the historical truth of the Bible, encouraging them in their faith.

Thanks for your beautiful documentaries. We just saw the Exodus and the Moses controversy.  Very useful and faith building. – Erno

Just watched the DVD. Got chill bumps! Awesome production!! – Boyd

Fantastic Documentary, extremely well done and balanced. Amazing interviews and beautiful cinematography while being a great history lesson on the Truth of the Bible – all at the same time. – Helmut

I´m from Chile, I write this to you just for your great evidence of The Exodus!! I believe in GOD and the Bible, and I had the same problems with scientific evidence. Thank you a lot!! – Maria

Jim Caldwell in Saudi Arabia while filming Patters of Evidence
Jim Caldwell Exodus Explorer walking the sands of Saudi Arabia. (© 2003 Patterns of Evidence)

But, just as Moses and the Israelites didn’t reach the mountain on their own strength and power, neither can I without your help. This brings me to a calling and an opportunity. Will you prayerfully consider helping us finish the next two films, Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mt Sinai 1 & 2, in 2022. Simply put, without help, we can’t get these films done. Now more than ever, faith-affirming films are needed to help promote biblical foundations and give answers to those who have questions.

Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney and Rick Garside in Saudi Arabia
Timothy Mahoney, along with producer Rick Garside in Saudi Arabia. (© 2003 Patterns of Evidence)

There Are Multiple Ways to Give

  1. Make out a check to Patterns of Evidence Foundation and mail it to: Patterns of Evidence Foundation  6161 Wooddale Ave. Edina, MN 55424
  1. You can give a one-time gift online, or for some of you it might work better to become a monthly supporter at https://patternsofevidence.com/donations/
  1. Grant to us from your National Christian Foundation (NCF) Giving Fund:   Fed EIN # 85-1693750
The Star of Bethlehem DVD

For those in the USA, with a donation of $25.00 or more, we would like to give you an exceptional DVD, “The Star of Bethlehem,” until the end of December. Presenter Rick Larson walks through biblical and historical clues revealing the incredible significance of the celestial event as well as the vastness of God’s creativity.

Thank you for being a part of the Patterns of Evidence experience, and I hope you will consider joining us in funding this exciting and significant work, Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mt Sinai.

Merry Christmas,

Timothy Mahoney

Director, Patterns of Evidence Foundation and Historical Faith Society

TOP PHOTO: Lennart Moller and Timothy Mahoney searched for evidence related to the route to Mount Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula. (© 2002 Patterns of Evidence)
